Sunday, July 19, 2009

something is missing in my life for these upcoming 5 days...
and i'm missing her even though its not even 1 day yet.
so far far away from me!
hopefully time passes fast this week!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

just got back from arms training
shiok man
able to train 5 days a week is a blessing to me
current weight is fluctuating between 99kg-99.5kg
just a few more grams to 100kg!

cant wait for tomorrow night to come
gonna go fry my legs and make my calves grow tomorrow!

today is sunday but i dont even have the mood to have fun
must prepare all my uniform
must polish my damn boots
but fuck care already, polish till i tulan, using liquid kiwi these days.
fucking shiok man...
easy peasy...
"if you are not cheating, you are not trying"

Sunday, July 5, 2009

transformers is fucking nice
watched it with my girl ytd
damn, hopefully there will be another one in the near future again.

im officially undergoing the weapon technician course.. so cool man, 12 guns for me to learn, repair and explore but it is a bitch when it comes to cleaning.
but afterall, im still pretty happy to be as a weapon tech instead of repairing those shitass tanks.

been watching michael jackson's videos lately
just find its really a pity that hes gone just like this and i didnt learn to appreciate his songs until he was gone. after listening songs after songs of his, i truely respect this genius as one of the best ever and he'll be my idol from now on.
guess i gonna learn moonwalk and use it in my competition posing routine next time...

every song of his comes with a sensational feeling
every move of his on stage is fucking slick and sweet.
guess there wont be anyone that can come close to what he achieved.